Saturday, January 10, 2009

Mushrooms or A Taste of Provence

Mushrooms: Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect and Environmental Impact

Author: Shu Ting Chang

This new edition presents the latest cultivation and biotechnological advances that have contributed to the modernization of mushroom farming and the mushroom industry. It supplies each step in the complex mushroom cultivation process, exploring not only the "how" but also the "why". Professionals/scientists in related fields will obtain a much greater knowledge of the nutritional and medicinal benefits that mushrooms have to offer. This interdisciplinary approach will appeal to readers in a wide range of fields with its complete coverage of breeding, efficient cultivation practices, nutritional value, and medicinal/pharmaceutical utility.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Overview1
Ch. 2The nutritional attributes of edible mushrooms27
Ch. 3Medicinal value39
Ch. 4Overview of the biology of fungi53
Ch. 5Substrate and mycelial growth93
Ch. 6Sexuality and the genetics of Basidiomycetes105
Ch. 7Mushroom formation : effects of environmental, nutritional, and chemical factors129
Ch. 8Mushroom formation : effects of genetic factors : breeding145
Ch. 9Mushroom formation : effect of pests and diseases in mushroom cultivation159
Ch. 10Culture preservation189
Ch. 11World production of edible mushrooms203
Ch. 12Agaricus - the leader in production and technology221
Ch. 13Lentinula - a mushrooming mushroom237
Ch. 14Volvariella - a high-temperature cultivated mushroom277
Ch. 15Flammulina and Pholiota - low-temperature cultivated mushrooms305
Ch. 16Pleurotus - a mushroom of broad adaptability315
Ch. 17Tremella - increased production by a mixed culture technique327
Ch. 18Dictyophora - formerly for the few343
Ch. 19Ganoderma lucidum - a leader of medicinal mushrooms357
Ch. 20Agaricus blazei and Grifola frondosa - two important medicinal mushrooms373
Ch. 21Other cultivated mushrooms - their number grows383
Ch. 22Technology and mushrooms391

Go to: Brass Wall or Strategic and Tactical Considerations on the Fireground

A Taste of Provence

Author: Francie Jouanin

With its practical format, this culinary guide presents exquisite regional specialties, first-class restaurants, and selected vineyards. A feast for both the eyes and the palate, this volume allows the readers to experience the culture of the region and its typical dishes, which are deeply rooted in the Provencal landscape. Wandering through the gardens and landscapes of Provence, readers find themselves in a sensual cornucopia of fruits, vegetables, olives, honey, almonds and wine. Play a game of boule or take a midday siesta under the shade of the pine trees, surrounded by the chirping of the crickets. This is Provence. Columns in contrasting colors concisely convey information on Important topics, such as truffles and fish. Survey maps and a Detailed index to recipes and places help readers find their orientation quickly. A comprehensive appendix and glossary provide useful addresses for producers of gourmet specialties and delicatessens.

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